Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Travel: D.C. for the Holidays

Somehow I racked up over a hundred hours of vacation at work. With the year winding down, I figured it was time to commit to a trip. So I booked a ticket and flew out to spend the Thanksgiving weekend visiting my friend Emily in Washington D.C.

Along with Emily's parents and boyfriend Adam, we checked out a few of the must-sees in the area starting with George Washington's digs, Mt. Vernon.
Mt. Vernon 09b

Some of the animals (yes a camel!) living on the grounds of Mt. Vernon. Apple the turkey is one of the birds that President Obama pardoned this year. After the holidays Apple will be moved to a special pen where he will live out his days with his brother, Cider!
Mt. Vernon animals

Mt. Vernon 07bleaf

After Mt. Vernon we made it over to Arlington National Cemetery. We were lucky with a little left over fall color. It really is a moving experience.
Mt. Vernon 10b

Mt. Vernon 12b

Mt. Vernon 13b

A view of the Washington Monument from Arlington. Can you see it? Right in the middle.
Wash Monb


The sky as the evening sets in on a long day!
Arligton skyb

A view of the Capitol building from a terrace deck at the Newseum in downtown D.C.
Capitol 01b

Capitol 03b

Special thanks to Emily and Adam! Thanks for showing me a great time and being great friends!
Em and Adam

 Follow Melanie on Twitter and Facebook


  1. Oooh...LOVE this post Mel!! You know, the first time I was at Mount Vernon, I was in the fourth grade. My dad bought me this book there and then I went and lost it on the tour bus we were on back in the city. So then, bless his heart, he DROVE US BACK the next day so I could get another.

    Random story, but fond memories.
