Wednesday, March 31, 2010

When it really is the camera's fault

As a photographer you have to learn to anticipate. You anticipate a moment for a great emotional photo. You anticipate problems, always pack an extra battery or flash card and as a boy scout, are always prepared. But somethings you can't anticipate, like your D3 slowly turning on you, such is what happened to me tonight at the Michigan women's basketball game that I was shooting for Off to Nikon repair it goes! Fingers crossed it's still under warranty.

Fortunately, these intruding streaks (banding) didn't ruin my entire take and I was able to come away with enough clean photos to save my work hide! Here's a link to the gallery.

Here is the problem at hand:

Banding 2 Blog
Photo Copyright 2010
banding blog

 Banding 3blog
Photo Copyright 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Date with a 35mm - Ann Arbor, Michigan

I took out the 35mm, f2 for some low-light shooting last night. I meet up with .Com-er's Chrysta and Jessica at the Blind Pig to check out Flying Lotus with special guest Mahjongg. It was an introduction of both artists to me and neither disappointed. Organizers set up several projectors spewing colorful, graphic imagery all over the venue, it created a great atmosphere. I think I might need a projector for my living room now!
Band Flare

Orange Flare


Two camera-shy ladies, but hey, I made your photos small! ;)
chrysta jess

Friday, March 26, 2010

To 35 or 20? That is the question

Thanks to the fantastic Benji at Jack's Camera in Muncie, I have a decision to make. I have been in the market for a new-used wide angle lens and when Benji said he had a 35mm f2 and a 20mm 2.8 available I figured I should take them for a test drive. Hopefully, I will have some new pictures to share soon!


Monday, March 22, 2010

Good to have a friend home

Elliott is home! He has been on an extended vacation at my dad's house, but it's good to have him home.



Sunday, March 21, 2010

Detroit Fashion

Number one rule when looking for parking in Detroit: Just pay for parking and quit looking for a free spot. Well, maybe "lock your doors" should be the number one rule, but I wish I had followed the "just pay" school of thought last night as I was roaming the street of Detroit. Initially, I was 20 minuets early for the fashion show I had trekked downtown to see. If I had just paid to park in a garage I would have easily scored a decent spot to watch and photograph Ann Arborite Kelly Lynne's free show at Oslo. But I didn't, and I learned my lesson! Great show, however! Here are a couple of frames from the evening.





Another Saturday at Eastern Market - Detroit, Michigan

Here are some photos from another awesome Saturday afternoon at Eastern Market.


Fantastic rows of beauty!


If only they stayed this sweet and tiny!

My sister Julianne works the phones as we wait in line for lunch at Russell Street Deli. She likes plaid.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18th - the day after

I have had a week jammed packed photographing, filming and recording St. Patrick's festivities. Here are two multimedia projects I shot and produced for

St. Patrick's Day in Ann Arbor from Melanie Maxwell on Vimeo.

Shamrocks and Shenanigans 5k run and walk from Melanie Maxwell on Vimeo.

Sunday Service at Second Baptist

Here are a couple of photos I shot for that didn't make publication. I spent a recent Sunday morning photographing service at the Second Baptist Church for our faith section.




Photos © 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Eating Better

As of late, I have been eating like a college frat boy. Or at least what I think a college frat boy who doesn't eat meat would eat. The fridge is empty! I was so desperate for dinner last week that I ordered a pizza, something I do maybe twice a year. Over the weekend I dragged my behind to a grocery store or two (LOVE Trader Joe's!) and dropped a couple of bucks.

Here's a photo of some fish I inadvertently spent way too much on, but it was tasty!

Friday, March 12, 2010


I am happy to report that a selection of photos from my recent engagement shoot with Martin and Kelly were featured on the UK's Thanks to Kelly for submitting the photos! She also has an upcoming fashion show in Detroit if you wanna check out her fashionable style in person!



Thursday, March 11, 2010

To move, or not to move...

The longest I have ever lived in one place (since childhood) is two years. I've got moving fever. Since graduating college over seven years ago, I have lived in eight apartments. That is a lot of moving. As my current lease is nearing an end, I am faced with a decision, to move or not to move? It's the first time in eight apartments worth-of-time that I don't know the answer to that question. But I have narrowed down my options to 1) a larger two-bedroom apartment within my current complex, or 2) NOT MOVING. And though I know the decision is up to me, I figured I should blog-it-out in hopes of a actually making a decision.

Current apartment on the left.

Lue doesn't care where we live.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Portrait of Two Chairs

Those who know me, know I love to collect things. I'm not a crazy collector, you'll find no hoarding here, but I've got small collections. Pyrex dishes, teapots, fabrics and even a box of Lego men circa 1992. Part of the fun of collecting is the thrill of the hunt, or find, in my case. Although two isn't exactly a collection, these new additions to my living room were a thrilling find! I came across them a few weekends ago while at an antique store in Eastern Market. There was a going out of business sale and I snatched up these mid-century, Grand Rapids, MI made chairs (along with a beat up end table) for $75! Best deal in the world? Who knows. The price was worth the find and I can now end my endless hunting on Criagslist!

Special thanks to Mark for the wood-working surgery needed to save the life of the one on the right!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Ann Arbor Melting

When I moved to Muncie, almost five years ago, I started shooting a series titled UP. Now that I've moved on, it seems only fitting that I would continue the fun and start shooting a series titled "Down." While out walking in downtown Ann Arbor today, Down just sorta found my camera. Here's to the start of another five years of looking around, may it be UP, left to right or Down!

Ann Arbor Melting:




