I trekked down to my old stomping grounds in Indiana for a brief visit with friends this past weekend. I spent waaaay more time talking than taking pictures but I did manage a few! I spent Saturday with my good friend and former roommate Betsy at her new farmhouse home in Pendelton, about 35 minutes south of Muncie.
I was really inspired by all the goods they canned with vegetables from their own garden!
Beware of dog and I mean it! Queen Tangerine in her blanketed castle.
Football season is just around the corner! (Ask me in six weeks if I still be using !'s to describe my feelings about football ;) ) I spent last Sunday photographing the Michigan football team take interviews from the media, ham it up for the cameras and meet with their fans at the Stadium. Here are a few from my long day of shooting for AnnArbor.com See the rest here and here.
As we all know by now, I am a sucker for a farmers market. It's pretty clear I have some major veg love.
Last weekend I hit up the Ann Arbor Farmers Market and there was a colorful bounty of AMAZING tomatoes, peppers, corn, berries and herbs. And speaking of herbs, basil was the star of this Saturday morning. It was everywhere! Needless to say, I came home with a giant bag full, leaving me with the challenge to use it all. Can one ever use a giant bag of basil? Well I certainly tired. Here are two tasty, basily treats I came up with.
Heirloom tomato, mozzarella and basil salad and a basil infused green tea. Summer love!
And just because I can't help myself, here are some vegetable beauty shots.
It's been over a year since I returned from my adventure in Africa. While digging through my archives this week, I came across photos and some video of my teammates Steve, Gina, Nick and Dan. I thought I'd share some of our memories here and hope to add more as I can continue to dig.
Behind every great photo, there is a great story. There is certainly a great story behind this one, see below.
Then of course there was our trip deep, deep below the surface. I don't think anyone had a clue what we had in store. There is something very strange about being that far underground. It sort of felt like I was at some sort of Disney attraction.
While digging around in my archives I came across an image I made while in a market in Chimoio, Mozambique in May 2009. It's strange when you find an image you forgot you had taken, it instantly brings back the memory of the moment.
Melanie Maxwell is a photographer based out of Ann Arbor, MI. Available for wedding, portrait, sport and event assignments. Check out her portfolio work at www.melaniemaxwell.com