Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A handmade Christmas for Mom

Back in September I had the great idea to make a quilt for my Mom as a Christmas present. I was struck by a flurry of inspiration and apparently a bout of amnesia, blocking the memories from my previous quilt making endeavors. Hey, it's September, that's plenty of time to sew a quilt from scratch and with no pattern, right? The short answer to that is yes, plenty of time for stitch ripping and cursing up a storm! It seemed like a good idea anyway and in the end I think it was worth the effort.

Here is a short photo essay of the life of a handmade quilt. Hope you like it Mom!

Quilt 01b

Quilt 03b

Lue Machine 02b

Quilt 03ba

Quilt 02b

Quilt 04b

Quilt 05

Mom Quilt 01


  1. LOVE THIS! Look at Lucy in there ....TOO CUTE! It's a beautiful quilt too Mel... love the fabrics you picked!

    Can't wait to see you in January and talk crafty talk :)

  2. Truly a daunting task but even more, a true gift from your heart! One which I will treasure always! I love you, Melanie Rose! Thank you! MOM

  3. What a lovely quilt!! Nice work :) Now only if we could teach kitties to sew!
