Friday, May 28, 2010

Never catch a line drive bare-handed

So, it's been awhile since my last post. That is in part, due to what happened this past Sunday. I was assigned to shoot Michigan softball at Alumni Field here in Ann Arbor. I was shooting from the third base dugout during the last inning as the opposing team was up to bat. Because it was the opposing team, I wasn't focused on the batter but our team at first base. It was because of this that I see didn't the foul ball the batter hit coming until it was too late to move. Fortunately, I looked up from behind the camera in time to deflected the ball with my right hand. The speed of the ball ended up breaking my right ring finger! Ouch! I am certainly very lucky that I looked up from that camera, I could have been hurt a lot worse! It's a good thing softball season is coming to a close because I think it's going to be awhile before I can shoot from that dugout again!

Frozen peas


Saturday, May 15, 2010

A night at the Park - Detroit, Michigan

Dad and I hit up the baseball game at Comerica Park last night. We ended up getting some upgraded-superstar seats because lets face it, when you hang out with my dad, good things happen. He is just that sorta guy. As he says, "It pays to be a good person."

Despite me spilling my beer, accidentally dropping a peanut down some kid's shirt (sorry kid, snack for later?) and the Tiger's losing, we had a great time!

Portrait of dad, portrait of me.
Tigers 05blog

The next door neighbor.
Tigers 01blog

Tigers 03blog

Tigers 04blog

Tigers 06blog

Tigers 07blog

Monday, May 10, 2010

My kind of golf

Just a couple quick photos from hanging out on the golf course this afternoon. Gotta love the spring air and beautiful colors!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hockeytown-Detroit, Michigan

I got the chance to go to last night's Red Wings game-three playoff game against the (fun-spoiling-jerks) San Jose Sharks. I haven't been to a hockey game since the eighth grade and I was super excited to return to the Joe.
I brought along my camera, which totally confused the security guard, no it's not a "movie camera" lady, to take a few photos.
Even though our beloved Wings lost, painfully so, I still had a great time! Thanks to super fans and friends Angie, Rob, Eric and Katie for a great night!

Hockeytown 2blog

Eric and Katie checking out Canada and the Detroit River.
Hockeytown 1blog

Hockeytown 5blog

Hockeytown 4blog

Hockeytown 3blog

Sunday, May 2, 2010

"You are so lucky!"

Politics aside, it's pretty cool when the President comes to town. I suppose that's why everyone kept telling me, "You are so lucky!" Although I shared the presidential visit with 92,000 other people, I think the "luck" came in with my proximity to the man himself. I had the last minute opportunity to get to photograph with the White House press pool in what they call the "buffer zone," an area between the stage and the graduates. The press pool follows the President to all of his events and therefore has special access. They swoop in, write their stories, take photos and swoop out to the next location.

I don't know if I was more or less lucky than anyone else at graduation, but I know I will never forget it. I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to experience a really important day with the graduates of the University of Michigan, the residents of Ann Arbor and the tireless efforts of the kick-ass staff at

Please check out all of Lon and my photos here.

My media credentials. Waiting on the President from the "buffer zone."
Obama 7blog

Me in the buffer zone.
Me Obama Blog

Here are the still photographers stacked up on a set of risers. My co-worker Lon Horwedel is in red all the way to the left.
Obama 6blog

Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm, left, gives a thumbs up as President Barack Obama and Michigan president Mary Sue Coleman smile at the beginning of spring commencement at Michigan Stadium on Saturday morning. Melanie Maxwell I




All photos © 2010